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              As simple and straightforward as the preceding information is, the reality of spiritual warfare is lost on many Christians today.  They have neither trained, nor entered the fray. The overwhelming majority of readers have heard, if not sung, the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers.”  Certainly Christian Soldiers exist, so where are they you may ask.  A vast number of them are AWOL (absent without leave).  As a result, many disruptive problems and forces are at liberty to work in our society.  We encourage those sitting on the fence to make a decision, prepare themselves, and join in this most glorious fight.  To that end, we study the character of the warrior and how his attributes support the spiritual armor of God.

            The human psyche is an interesting composite of instincts, and to a large measure, what may be referred to as “genetically determined behavior.”  The very “hardwiring” within us helps to guide us in acting in a “right” or “good” manner.  Our choices and the decisions, which define our character, are guided towards full maturity by these internal directives, these built-in behavior characteristics, or models.  These behavioral patterns, instilled in mankind through eons of development, are ingrained in our unconscious as models to be called for in various life situations.  These internal behavioral models are referred to as “archetypes.

              This chapter introduces the working understanding of clinical psychologists in regards to how we develop as people of character.  When we as individuals do not completely develop, certain character flaws are evident in the individual, and when widespread, the effects are noticeable in society.  Two specific social dilemmas are discussed, and remedies are presented.

                Once light is shed on the primary reasons for our misunderstanding of our internal Warrior attributes, the reader is introduced to the true nature of the Warrior, and how essential it is we hold this understanding dear.

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