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Awaken the Warrior, Armor of God study book and workbook
by Philip P.
Sacco, Author's Profile
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~The ARMOR of GOD~
Most Evangelicals have heard about it; 'Oh...that's in Ephesians 6:10-18," most will respond if asked. But what -IS- the Armor of God made of, how is it forged, how is it worn, how is it used by a Christian in today's world, what does it 'look like'~ These questions have remained unanswered for the curious. That was until the writing of 'Awaken the Warrior.'
'Awaken the Warrior' contains a most valuable message about the Armor of God. The armor is real. It can be worn. It offers very real protection. One thing any of us with any experience in life have learned is that life is full of challenges, trials, tribulations, doubts and fears. How is one to cope with the daily challenges the world sends our way, and what does the word of God have to say about these situations? We are instructed to 'put on the full Armor of God so that we may stand in the final days,' yet have you ever wondered what the Armor of God is, or better yet, how to manifest its protection in your life? These are some of the concerns and issues at the heart of this illuminating, life enriching book. If you enjoy the knowledge imparted by God's Word, I am sure you will find this book a-must-have for your spiritual development as it is clearly and fully referenced to the Bible.
'Awaken the Warrior' is an instructive and illuminating book on the Armor of God (Armour of God). A multi-discipline study, this non-fiction Christian text will guide you to a fuller understanding of your personal character development, and how to manifest the Armor of God in your life. In addition to the scriptural references concerning this spiritual matter, a brief and very readable description of character development draws from current clinical psychology for the benefit of the reader. Understanding this information brings understanding to the reader concerning the stance and position a true Christian Warrior takes when faced with adversity. Learn what the 'character assassination' of the Warrior has meant for our society.
While many sites offer a read on the armor of God, they all fall short of actually imparting any usable spiritual knowledge to the true seeker concerning how to manifest the armors protection in ones life. The material in 'Awaken the Warrior' relates our spiritual armor to actual armor and draws a comparison between the two so that you, the reader may understand how to don the armor of light. Nothing is left to wonder about. The time has come for all Christian Warriors to dress for the occasion and stop living life on the sidelines. The battle lines are drawn and we are all involved in a spiritual conflict on a daily basis. As I tell people in my seminars...there are two ways to live life...with the armor on, or not. One thing is for sure, we will all come under attack and it is a -LOT- safer and more enjoyable with the armor well strapped on to our Souls~!
This information makes a wonderful study for men, women and children of all ages. The Holy Spirit does not discriminate~! We are -ALL- to don heavens mightiest defense against darkness. With 25 years of experience in armored combat, I have been uniquely chosen for delivery of this material. The story of how I was inspired to write the text can be found in the Epilogue.
Be sure to check out the free workbook I provide to augment your study of this valuable material. Training for God's Army is keyed to the text of Awaken the Warrior and it will provoke your deepest thoughts on matters of the greatest concern, flushing out those chinks in your armor so that you may be adequately prepared to 'stand your ground in that day against the evil one.' Training for God's Army~ is FREE and now available online. The online version is the 'Participant Edition.' I will happily send an updated electronic copy for free to anyone inquiring. There are two versions available. The Instructor edition contains the target answer key and insights to guide discussions indexed to Awaken the Warrior and containing scripture text and references. The Participant copy has no guide text, just the questions and scripture references. The material is presented in the format I use for seminars and in-depth Bible studies for proper Christian Warrior character development and a true experience of the Armor of God. The scriptures speak in great detail about the armor, and Jesus is the model we are to look to for examples of behavior and to develop our spiritual armor. This highly introspective workbook sheds light on many aspects of daily living and helps the reader keep in perspective the spiritual reality we often forget we are part of. This is a unique and illuminating Bible study of a most important subject little taught on- the Armor of God. Incorporated in the material is a section on personal development and how we become people of character thru the development of the Warrior within us. This up-to-date material instructs the reader in understanding character development from current clinical psychotherapy practices. While I freely distribute this material to anyone requesting a copy, please note that it is copyrighted material and all rights are expressly reserved. I trust you will use the workbook responsibly.
Excerpts from each chapter can be found here before you decide to buy. Just follow the link the link to the Table of Contents. Several of the chapters are offered in their entirety. For permission to use any of the information on this site, simply contact author at: awaken_8@hotmail.com Be prepared to be offered more help than you could ever expect as Mr. Sacco takes this matter seriously~ as serious as eternal Life and Death~!
For a partial list of presentation topics see Personal Appearances. Presentations are designed around your input as to audience and venue.
TO ORDER~ Click on the book cover above to order online directly from my publisher. For those hesitant to order online, or wishing to receive a nicely personalized copy of the book directly from the author, please email me at awaken_8@hotmail.com I would love to hear from you. Your comments are appreciated and the comment box at the top of the page can be used to register for my newsletter and post comments.
Free Review Copies: For review copies or interview requests, contact: Justin Byrns, Promotional Coordinator Tel: 800-839-8640, or Fax: 812-961-3133 or Email: pressreleases@authorhouse.com (Please provide a street address).
Table of Contents- This link will take you to an active TOC for the book and links to sample reads from each chapter. Introductions to Parts I and II are complete as well as text for Chapters 1, 6, and 12.
Accolade International Ministry (AIM)~ Affiliated with the Coalition of Prison Evangelists (COPE), AIM promotes the message of the scriptural teachings of the Armor of God and character development to secular and non-secular audiences. 'Awaken the Warrior' and the companion study guide Training for God's Army are used as course material. AIM designs Bible studies, lecture series, and presentations of the material contained within 'Awaken the Warrior' for a wide group of audiences. Teen study groups, catechism classes as well as book clubs and woman's Bible study groups in particular have found the material to be especially enlightening. Of the Christian literature available on this subject, you will find here a true tour de force on the Armor of God!
DVD's of presentations are available as are audio CD's. If there is any aspect of the armor you would like a customized DVD or audio recording of instructions for, feel free to contact me with your request.
Online Chat~ check the Crusade page below for upcoming online chats. Chats are open discussions of any spiritual topic or concern (my personal favorite topics -needless to say- concern the armor of God). Logging into Yahoo group is fun and easy.
If you like to engage in conversation about the armor of God and Christian morality and how to deal with the various issues of life; than my Yahoo Group may be right up your alley...it is a free service and all you have to do is use the form below or send me your email address and request to join the group, and I will sign you up~
This recently aired on Glenn Beck~ let me know what you think~
This website was last updated- 6/9/11
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